Eyes in the Sky - The Future of Drone Technology | Actually Serious Podcast

Eyes in the Sky - The Future of Drone Technology | Actually Serious Podcast

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AS_003 – Precise maneuverability, object identification, smarter choices, and #cybersecurity ... In this week's episode of the #actuallyserious podcast, CEO of @wonderrobotics, Idan Shimon, helps us dive into the incredible advancements – and current limitations – of autonomous vehicles.

Listen to the podcast on
Audioversity - https://1062fm.co.il/en/
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2QktpkGek1x18tmdrtDzEY?si=gUDE3g8_S4imLwEj2x8B5g&dd=1&nd=1&_branch_match_id=1176454316590378902&utm_medium=sharing&_branch_referrer=H4sIAAAAAAAAA8soKSkottLXLy7IL8lMq9TLyczL1neJLE8NT07LNqlMAgAaz81WIAAAAA%3D%3D

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Aaron Poris is a professional Host, Producer, Editor, Journalist, Artist, Educator, & Media Personality

#aaronporis #porismedia #actually #serious #podcast #podcasts #news #education #israel #idf #technology #innovation #drone #automation #ai #machine

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