Chinese Military Advances AI for Future Naval and Space Warfare

Chinese Military Advances AI for Future Naval and Space Warfare

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Publish Date:
21 April, 2024
Military Tech
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In the ever-evolving landscape of modern warfare, Chinese military researchers have shifted their focus towards a technology so important, it will provide a mighty edge to its holder. It is now a race against time, where China has realized it needs to stay ahead of the game and bridge the gap among all rivals and build that successful world class military and a great wall of steel. The world slowly enters a new era of military development, the only difference being China the one leading the charge!

Today’s episode will uncover how Chinese military researchers are now focusing on AI-driven navy and space combat to focus on winning future conflicts.

#china #chinamilitary #chinanews #hypersonic_missile #chinaarmy

00:00 – Intro
01:00 - China’s Focus On Quality Combat Power
03:28 - Let’s Talk Implications
05:27 - Risks, Challenges & Hurdles

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