Machine Learning Explained🔥in 30 Seconds. #shorts #machinelearning

Machine Learning Explained🔥in 30 Seconds. #shorts #machinelearning

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Publish Date:
2 March, 2025
Information Technology
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Standard License
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In this video, we learn about Machine learning in 30 seconds: What is meant by machine learning? Just like a toddler learns that fire is hot by touching it, machine learning helps computers learn from examples. For beginners, if you show a machine many pictures of dogs, it learns to spot dogs. Show it a picture of a cat, and it’ll know it’s not a dog but won't identify it as a cat. This introduction to machine learning helps you understand how machine learning programs work.

If you want to learn tech in just 30 Seconds, don’t forget to follow "Error Makes Clever."

#machinelearning #ai #errormakesclever

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