The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence in tattooing.

The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence in tattooing.

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Artificial Intelligence Vs Traditional Art. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new technology for the tattoo industry?

Darwin Enríquez, Zhimpa Moreno and Armando Muñoz will talk to you about this new emerging technology, their experiences using artificial intelligence and what are the advantages and disadvantages that tattoo artists face when using it.

Do you want to know more about artificial intelligence?

Don't miss this new episode of the Inknation Studio Podcast.

00:53 Artificial intelligence VS traditional art.
05:04 What about AI when tattooing?
06:49 The advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence.
14:53 What will happen to traditional art?
16:51 Experiences using artificial intelligence.
21:18 How artificial intelligence works.
23:46 What problems will the use of artificial intelligence bring?

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