3 | How to connect an IoT device to Thingsboard using LoRaWAN, The ThingsNetwork and RIOT-OS

3 | How to connect an IoT device to Thingsboard using LoRaWAN, The ThingsNetwork and RIOT-OS

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Publish Date:
14 April, 2023
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The purpose of this tutorial is to build a system that uses LoRaWAN to send sensors data from an IoT device without Internet connection. We will build a RIOT-OS application that will be executed on the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 LoRa kit over IoT-LAB. We will use TheThingsNetwork to interconnect the sensor devices with the cloud infrastructure via the MQTT protocol. The element that we are going to set up are:
- an MQTT Transparent Bridge
- a Riot-OS firmware which retrieves real environment data
- The Things Network MQTT bridge

Check the complete article on Medium: https://medium.com/@colasante.francesco/3-how-to-connect-an-iot-device-to-thingsboard-using-lorawan-the-thingsnetwork-and-riot-os-46ce20dc7d5b

We have a device on IoT-Lab which runs a Riot-OS firmware. This device will send real sensor data to The Things Network using the LoRaWAN protocol. We will set up a Python MQTT Transparent Bridge which subscribes to +/devices/+/up topic on The Things Network MQTT broker and publish modified data on v1/gateway/telemetry topic on the Thingsboard MQTT broker.

This is a project for the Internet of Things course of the MSc Engineering in Computer Science at the Sapienza University of Rome.

Website: http://francescocolasante.it/
GitHub repository: https://github.com/fcolasante/thingsboard-tutorial/blob/master/LoRaWAN.md
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/francesco-colasante/
Medium : https://medium.com/@colasante.francesco/3-how-to-connect-an-iot-device-to-thingsboard-using-lorawan-the-thingsnetwork-and-riot-os-46ce20dc7d5b