Arduino IoT Cloud Fundamentals | 2024 Step-by-Step Guide

Arduino IoT Cloud Fundamentals | 2024 Step-by-Step Guide

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Publish Date:
26 February, 2025
IOT Videos
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We’re back in the Cloud today, looking at all the updated features of the Arduino IoT Cloud! Check out what’s new for 2024 and build your first cloud project using Uno R4 WiFi and ESP32 DevKit boards.

Article with step-by-step guide
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In this first of (at least) three videos, we will revisit the Arduino IoT Cloud. There have been several changes to Arduino's IoT product since we last looked at it, including a “Triggers” feature and support for almost anything that can connect to the Internet.

We will build a cloud project using an Arduino Uno R4 WiFi board and an ESP32 Dev Kit. We’ll see how to use the cloud console to set up the boards as cloud devices, associate them with a “thing,” and create cloud variables for them. Then, we will build a dashboard to control our boards.

If you want a detailed step-by-step guide to getting started with the cloud, check out the accompanying article for this video at
It will have you working up in the cloud in no time!

Here is a breakdown of today's episode:

00:00 - Introduction
01:47 - Arduino IoT Cloud
05:36 - Cloud Console Tour
07:50 - Building a Cloud Project
10:22 - Add an Uno R4 WiFi Device
13:39 - Build a Thing
16:20 - Cloud Project Code
20:38 - Dashboard and Demo
23:29 - Modify using Desktop IDE
28:19 - Cloud Project Demo 2 - Variables and Dashboard
30:30 - ESP32 Project
37:39 - LED Code with OTA Update
40:15 - Device to Device
43:09 - Using Triggers
41:47 - Add trigger and test
46:26 - Conclusion

I have decided to make this the first video in a series because there are so many new IoT Cloud features, too many for one video or even two. The next one will cover using MicroPython with the IoT Cloud, followed by an episode about using the Cloud with Amazon Alexa Home devices.

I've also been working with Arduino (I will be presenting an IoT Cloud project at Arduino Days 2024), and I asked them for a discount coupon so you could try the cloud. They obliged, and you can use code DRONEBOTSHOP when signing up for a monthly Maker plan. You'll get two months free, so you can try out the Arduino Iot Cloud for yourself.

Hope you enjoy the video!
