Learn about how to build IoT solutions for digital agriculture with this 4-part series, part of our IoT for Beginners live streams.
In this episode, Jim looks at migrating from an MQTT broker to a free tier of Azure IoT Hub, making the device more secure and the solution more reliable and scalable. He migrates his Python code running on a Raspberry Pi from using MQTT to using the Azure IoT Device Python package, to send telemetry with soil moisture data, and respond to direct methods to control the relay.
0:00 - Intro
2:10 - IoT for Beginners, a free 24 lesson IoT curriculum - https://aka.ms/iot-beginners
6:06 - Catch the previous series - https://aka.ms/iot-beginners-videos
6:37 - Get the kits from Seeed Studio - https://aka.ms/iot-beginners-kits
7:47 - Migrating plants to the cloud using Azure IoT Hub. https://azure.microsoft.com/services/iot-hub
11:53 - What is 'the cloud'?
17:30 - How big is the cloud?
20:07 - Azure, the developer cloud from Microsoft
25:00 - Sign up for Azure for free at https://azure.microsoft.com/free
25:52 - Students can sign up for Azure for free at https://azure.microsoft.com/free/students
26:18 - Cloud IoT services
28:40 - Connecting to cloud IoT services from your device and the rest of the cloud
30:31 - Cloud IoT service security
34:37 - Creating an Azure Resource Group, and an Azure IoT Hub instance
45:21 - How can an IoT device communicate with Azure IoT Hub?
45:30 - Device to cloud messages, cloud to device messages, direct method requests and device twins.
48:59 - Connecting a Raspberry Pi to Azure IoT Hub using Python
55:07 - Sending telemetry to Azure IoT Hub using Python
55:56 - Monitoring Azure IoT Hub messages in the Azure cloud shell
56:50 - Responding to direct methods on the IoT device
Presented by Jim Bennett, Regional Cloud Advocate, Microsoft. You can follow Jim on Twitter at https://twitter.com/JimBobBennett.
At Microsoft we have built IoT For Beginners, a free, open source, 24-lesson curriculum to teach you all about the Internet of Things. In this series we work through the second project in the curriculum all about digital agriculture, building on the lessons from the previous series. You can catch the previous series at https://aka.ms/iot-for-beginners-videos.
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