Hey everyone! Today's video is on IoT (Internet of Things) devices, including security, attacks, and best practices. We'll go over the vulnerabilities and threats associated with these devices and why they're often deemed unsafe. With the popularity of these devices in the medical field and other enterprises, devices like these are often vulnerable but popular targets for threat actors, as they don't have the security and defense tools that normal network assets would.
miSafes Mi-Cam results -
Comparing IoT Standards, including OWASP -
Endless by Nul Tiel Records, licensed with permission from the Independent Music Licensing Collective - imlcollective.uk
Ambience by Ketsa, licensed with permission from the Independent Music Licensing Collective - imlcollective.uk
Ambience4 by Ketsa, licensed with permission from the Independent Music Licensing Collective - imlcollective.uk
Ambience5 by Ketsa, licensed with permission from the Independent Music Licensing Collective - imlcollective.uk
Video Assets:
All video assets are licensed through a subscription to Envato Elements for this specific project. https://elements.envato.com/