IoT Basics: x509 certificates in Internet of Things - a deep dive

IoT Basics: x509 certificates in Internet of Things - a deep dive

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Publish Date:
1 June, 2024
IOT Videos
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In this video I cover following topics:

* what is the Private CA (Certificate Authority) and why it is used in Internet of Things deployments
* how to setup the Private CA and use it to sign certificates for IoT devices
* how to generate self-signed and CA-signed x509 certificates
* how to establish trust between IoT devices based on x509 certificates
* how to encrypt MQTT messages using TLS
* how to verify the identity of a device based on the certificate it is presenting
* basic setup of Mosquitto MQTT broker

I am using Docker to setup the local lab environment. In my github repo you will find everything needed to replicate steps on your local computer:

All scripts and commands I am showing in this video are available in my github repo as well.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding topics covered in this video in comments.

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#iot #internetofthings #x509 #certificate #mqtt