Why do we want Local Control for our IOT devices?
This month, I received an email from HiveHome stating that on November 30th of this year (2021), my IOT devices would stop working. They have decided to shut down the North American servers that support the lights, sensors, thermostats, and other IOT devices they sold and recommended that I recycle my devices responsibly.
That's it. There is nothing more I can do with these devices.
This is one of the many reasons that most of the Home Assistant community always look for local control options with their Smart Home devices. When a company you bought cloud dependant hardware from can no longer sustain their cloud infrastructure, they will cease to function. Unless a crafty developer reverse engineers the firmware or communication protocols, you are probably out of luck.
This is the main reason that I look for local control on devices when I have the opportunity. If two devices are in my shopping cart and one can be locally controlled (or at least has open APIs to control), I will always choose the one without that cloud dependency. This subtle distinction will most likely significantly lengthen the lifespan and usefulness of the device.
Read more about this and what you can do here:
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👋 About this channel: My name is Carlo. I've been running Home Assistant for a BUNCH of years. Almost from the very beginning actually. This channel is focused on bringing what I have implemented at my own house to you so that you can bring it to your house. The channel will be a mix of reviews, tutorials, and inspiration. It is a companion to my GitHub site that holds all the code for my Smart Home and my main site where I keep the more in-depth technical writings. I hope you will enjoy the videos and consider subscribing.
Find all the source code for my Smart House (and Device lists) on my Github Page : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig#devices
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