Are you ready to do a SaaS startup? Software Product or Tech Company

Are you ready to do a SaaS startup? Software Product or Tech Company

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Are you ready to do a SaaS Startup, Software Product or a Tech Company? - Check this video out and learn whether you pass Software Founders Readiness Checklist 🚀

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In this video, I share 3 criteria you need to pass to be ready to start your own Software Product, SaaS Startup or Mobile App. You’ll also learn 2 methods to prepare yourself in the best possible way for the tech world and startups. 💻

📃 In short, I’ll show you 3 criteria you need to pass:

Criterion 1. Resources 💰
Criterion 2. Skills 💻
Criterion 3. Customer Stuff ✅

and I’ll give you 2 methods to prepare yourself for the software startup:

Method 1. Franchise 🏠
Method 2. DCC (Done-for-you Services, Consulting, Coaching) 🧮

✅ If you've been thinking about launching your own software product, SaaS or app for a long time, then this video is for you.

00:00 - 00:49 Intro
00:50 - 02:25 Му story
02:26 - 04:21 You need to start backward
04:22 - 05:31 Software is hard
05:32 - 06:46 Software founders readiness checklist
06:47 - 09:34 How to prepare yourself for the software business
09:35 Summary

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