There Is Internet In The Mariana Trench!

There Is Internet In The Mariana Trench!

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Publish Date:
25 August, 2024
Tech Reviews
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Deep sea cables are the backbone of global communications, connecting continents by transmitting vast amounts of data across oceans. These robust cables, often spanning thousands of miles along the ocean floor, enable everything from internet access to international phone calls. Built to withstand harsh underwater conditions, they consist of multiple layers of protection, including steel and plastic sheathing, to guard against damage from the environment and marine life.
Laying these cables requires specialized ships that carefully place them along pre-mapped routes, avoiding underwater hazards like mountains and trenches. Despite their durability, deep sea cables occasionally require maintenance, typically due to natural events or accidental damage from fishing activities. These cables are crucial for maintaining our interconnected world, carrying around 99% of global data traffic and making real-time global communication possible.

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