Dev Forum - Unlock Your Organization's IoT Device Management Capabilities with LwM2M Recording

Dev Forum - Unlock Your Organization's IoT Device Management Capabilities with LwM2M Recording

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Publish Date:
7 December, 2022
IOT Videos
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The benefits of using the Lightweight Machine to Machine (LwM2M) protocol to connect and manage IoT devices are noteworthy: reduced power and data consumption, firmware over the air (FOTA) updates and using latest security are just a few of the highlights. The freedom of not having to rely on a proprietary technology or build and maintain your own network is why many organizations looking for a sustainable IoT solution have chosen LwM2M. With its power to offer interoperability and infinite scalability in IoT device ecosystems, it is easy to see why OMA SpecWorks estimates that there will be over 235 million installed LwM2M devices by the end of this year.

But what exactly is LwM2M, and how does it stack up against the other technologies, such as MQTT? How difficult is it to implement, and what are the implications for an engineering or dev team? Join us for this free webinar recording and discover the potential that LwM2M has to offer.